
Textiles techniques innovants, développées à partir de fibres naturelles, pour l'application dans l'habitat

Le projet NABITEX se concentre sur l'industrie textile de la région SUDOE, et de manière plus spécifique dans l'utilisation de fibres naturelles (du chanvre en particulier) afin de créer des produits innovants pour l'habitat (linge de maison) et le développement de textiles et composites techniques pour la construction. Il vise également à promouvoir la durabilité et l'économie circulaire grâce à l'utilisation de fibres naturelles et de fibres recyclées à la fin de son cycle de vie.

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CITEVE will sign the FEDER Contract Agreement
9 Apr. 2018

CITEVE will sign the FEDER Contract Agreement

CITEVE is today in Santader to sign the FEDER Contract Agreement concerned NABITEX project from Interreg Sudoe Programme.

This is a project coordinated by CITEVE with the involvment of 9 partners from Portugal, Spain and France.

The objective of NABITEX is to get innovative products by using european southwest natural fibers (in particular the hemp) to be applied in habitat products (home textiles and construction materials).

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Kick-off Meeting of NABITEX
10 Jul. 2018

Kick-off Meeting of NABITEX

Kick-off Meeting of NABITEX @CITEVE facilities.

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2nd NABITEX Meeting in Tarbes
20 Nov. 2018

2nd NABITEX Meeting in Tarbes

Next November 20th, the city of Tarbes (France) will receive the first open session of the project NABITEX – Innovative Technical Textiles, developed truth natural fibers for habitat application. This session will be in ENIT – École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes for which will have the participation of all the project consortium as also invited experts from different sectors to debate the developments already achieved inside the project as also the work planned for the next months.


The project NABITEX, funded by INTERREG SUDOE, aims to strengthen the capacity of innovation and development of SME in the textile sector of the SUDOE region through the valorisation of natural resources (natural fibers) for the incorporation of this fibers in the production of innovative technical products, contributing to increase the competitiveness of the companies of the region through a cooperation between different stakeholders.


The main objective is to promote incorporation these fibers in solutions for the habitat segment (home textiles e materials for construction). With a focus on natural fibers produced in the SUDOE region, such as o hemp, the project will develop and provide innovative sustainable solutions that will allow the differentiation of this industry.


Started in April 2018 with a duration of 36 months, the project has three mains R&D activities:

• Fiber preparation and processing;

• Development of solutions for home textiles;

• Development of solutions for a construction materials and composites.


Dedicating an key role to Europe, and in particular to the SUDOE region, but with a strong competition from Asian countries, the companies from the textile and construction sector, particularly SME, will go through technical aids that will allow them to contribute to a new era of innovative and sustainable products and consequently new business opportunities.


At primary sector level, NABITEX project will act as a catalyst to increase the production of natural fibers in this region due the opportunity that is being created to use these raw materials in SUDOE industry.

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